FCS II Accelerator NG Eco Tri Fin Set

84,95 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Tage

Finnen Größe:

  • SW11813.1

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The Accelerator Neo Glass Eco offers speed, flow and response with added control. It excels in... mehr
FCS II Accelerator NG Eco Tri Fin Set
Hersteller: FCS

Das FCS II Accelerator Neo Glass Eco Tri Fin Set ist Teil der FCS II Essential Fin Series, die mit  den Modellen Accelerator, Carver, Performer und Reactor für alle Surfer, Boards und Bedingungen das passende Finnenset liefert. Der Accelerator Shape positioniert sich analog zur Performer Finne dabei zwischen der wendigen Reactor Finne und der drivey Carver Finne. Im Vergleich zur Performer Finne weist die Accelerator Finne kein Inside Foil auf und hat einen etwas volleren Tip. Dadurch bietet sie in kraftvolleren Wellen mehr Kontrolle.

Die Neo Glass Eco Bauweise füllt die Lücke zwischen der günstigen, aber sehr weichen Glass Flex und der steifen, aber doch recht teuren Performance Core Bauweise, und besticht vor allem durch das sehr gute Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.

Das FCS II Finnensystem kommt ohne Schrauben und Werkzeuge aus. Einfach die Finne vorne einstecken und hinten einklicken - fertig! Die Plugs sind gleichzeitig kompatibel mit dem klassischen FCS System, sodass alle "normalen" FCS und FCS-kompatible Two Tab Finnen eingesetzt werden können. Hierzu braucht man lediglich das FCS II Tab Infill Kit, das FCS Schrauben, Fin Key und Tabs zum Schließen der Lücke vor den Finnen beinhaltet.



The Accelerator Neo Glass Eco offers speed, flow and response with added control. It excels in critical conditions.

Constructed with 50% glass and bio-resin, the Neo Glass Eco Accelerator has a low impact construction with high impact performance that’s recommended for lighter more agile surfers. The Accelerator in Neo Glass Eco offers speed, flow and response with added control and it excels in critical conditions. Designed for a balance of speed, flow & response with added control. Oversized, all-round template with a fuller tip. Ideal for surfers who like to attack the wave and perform aggressive turns.

Ideal Conditions :
A wide range of conditions, particularly good in critical overhead waves.

Board Types:
Designed to fit the FCS II Fin System. Recommended for performance shortboards with moderate-to-low rocker.

Fin Family:
Accelerator: Find Control. Speed, flow and response with added control.

Neo Eco
About Eco Blend At FCS, we’ve made it our mission to minimise our footprint by designing high quality products that use low impact, sustainable materials. Constructed with 50% glass and bio-resin, the Neo Glass Eco Blend range has a low impact construction with high impact performance that’s recommended for lighter more agile surfers. The new range also sees reduced use of fossil fuels and a smaller carbon footprint than traditional materials.

Sustainability & Community
Our Eco Resin is created by Arkema, a founding member of Pragati, the sustainable castor initiative. Pragati trains farmers to build capacity, improve yields, and reduce environmental impacts, thus helping them to cultivate castor beans effectively and ecologically. The initiative also provides educational materials to improve the skills and knowledge of the local farmers, to improve their income, and to ensure better health and living conditions.

Finnen Set up: Thruster (3)
Finnen System: FCS II
Größe: L
Foil: Flat
Bauweise: Neo Glass (NG)
Zubehör (in Lieferumfang enthalten): -
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