Firewire Dominator II (Volcanic/Futures)

890,00 € *

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The Dominator II is a revisited version that I’m super excited about. The Dominator has been a... mehr
Firewire Dominator II (Volcanic/Futures)
Hersteller: Firewire

Einige Jahre ist es jetzt schon her, dass Dan Mann mit dem Dominator das wahrscheinlich erfolgreichste Allround Hybrid Shortboard Shape der Firewire Board Palette herausgebracht hat. Allerhöchste Zeit für ein Update, denn in der Zwischenzeit hat sich einiges getan.

Beim Surfboard Shape wurde das Round Tail durch ein Squash Tail ersetzt, was mehr Release und ein leichteres Initiieren von Turns bewirkt. Die Rails wurde leicht ausgedünnt und das Single Concave, das in der Boardmitte unverändert geblieben ist, geht im letzten Boardabschnitt in ein V-Bottom über. 

Alle drei neuen Designelemente geben dem Dominator II ein deutlich lebhafteres Gefühl als dem doch für manche etwas trägen Dominator. Der Dominator II ist leichter und schneller in Turns zu bekommen und hat dann auch mehr Release. Gleichzeitig reagiert er über die dünneren Rails sensibler auf Gewichtsverlagerung und ermöglicht eine präzisere Abstimmung der Surf Line auf die Welle. 

Gleichzeitig bleiben die Maße identisch und Volumenverteilung, Rockerline und Concave im vorderen und mittleren Boardteil ähnlich, sodass der Dominator II ähnlich nutzerfreundlich und leicht zu surfen ist wie der originale Dominator. Wer den Dominator geliebt hat, wird sicher auch den Dominator II lieben. Hauptzielgruppe für das Dominator II sind Intermediate Shortboarder, die ein nutzerfreundliches, leicht zu surfendes Hybrid Shortboard suchen, das eine hohe Wellenausbeute verspricht und auch in schwachen Wellen noch Spaß bringt.


The Dominator II is a revisited version that I’m super excited about. The Dominator has been a staple in my quiver, and the Firewire line, since its inception in 2008. The DM II is meant to be a clean update of the original with design features that allow it to work well in a wider range of conditions and enhance its performance.

The obvious outline change is the tail going to a squash from the round tail. Also, the rails are slightly more refined and performance oriented. The concave is the same under the front foot but splits into a subtle, double-barrel and V out the tail in the last 5”. I normally look for a round tail to provide smoothness in transition from rail to rail and during turns, but the squash tail is proving to not only have that quality as well, but also a bit more release in the turns.

Volcanic Tech is made from Basalt Fibers Extruded from Volcanic Rocks that are crushed, melted and extruded into woven fibers that make up the cloth. The manufacture of basalt fiber requires the melting of the crushed and washed basalt rock at about 1,500 °C (2,730 °F). The molten rock is then extruded through small nozzles to produce continuous filaments of basalt fiber. Those filaments are then chopped into long stem fibers and woven into lamination cloth fiber. The cloth has similar characteristics to carbon as it relates to strength and weight however because the fibers are derived from Organic Raw materials, when combined with Bio Resins it serves as better degradable ECO alternative than using traditional carbon fiber cloth.
Basalt fiber is a relative newcomer to fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) and structural composites. It has a similar chemical composition as glass fiber but has better strength characteristics, and unlike most glass fibers is highly resistant to alkaline, acidic and salt attack making it a good candidate for surfboard manufacturing.
Compared to carbon and aramid fiber, it has the features of wider application temperature range -452° F to 1,200° F (-269° C to +650° C), higher oxidation resistance, higher radiation resistance, higher compression strength, and higher shear strength.
The cloth can withstand high temperatures unlike carbon fiber and as a result is heavily used the Aerospace industry in the creation of rockets and and jet engines. The elasticity characteristics of this fiber is higher than that of traditional Carbon fiber allowing the board to have more flex for a natural feel under foot.

Shape: Hybrid
Shaper: Dan Mann
Material/Bauweise: Epoxy (Sandwich)
Finnen System: Futures (Single Tab)
Finnen Set up: Tri Quad (5)
Zubehör (in Lieferumfang enthalten): -
Maße: 5'2" x 19 1/8" x 2 1/8" 23.4l
5' 4" x 19 1/4" x 2 1/4" 25.9l
5'6" x 19 3/4" x 2 5/16" 28l
5'7" x 19 7/8" x 2 3/8" 29.4l
5'8" x 20" x 2 3/8" 30.1l
5'9" x 20 1/8" x 2 7/16" 31.5l
5'10" x 20 1/4" x 2 1/2" 33l
5'11" x 20 3/8" x 2 1/2" 33.9l
6'0" x 20 1/2" x 2 1/2" 34.9l
6'1" x 20 5/8" x 2 9/16" 36l
6'2" x 20 3/4" x 2 5/8" 37.8l
6'4" x 21" x 2 3/4" 40.9l
6'6" x 21 1/4" x 2 7/8" 44.4l
6'8" x 21 3/4" x 3" 48.6l
6'10" x 22" x 3 1/4" 54.5l
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