
Reißfest und trotzdem flexibel muss die Leashline sein, damit den Surfer nichts von seinem Surfbrett trennt. Von der dünnen Competition Leash (nur für leichte Boards und kleinere Wellen geeignet), über Regular Leashs in allen möglichen Farbkombis (Allround Leashs für alle Boardtypen und Bedingungen) bis hin zu Big Wave Leg Ropes (extra dicke Leashs für Extrembedingungen; diese Leashs sind sehr steif und daher nicht als Allrounder zu empfehlen) - Wir haben die passende Leash für jeden Wellenreiter.

Die Länge Leashline ist von der Boardlänge abhängig zu machen. Als Faustregel gilt hier: Die Leash sollte maximal 6‘‘ länger oder kürzer angegeben sein als das Board lang ist (Beispiel: Eine 8‘ Leash ist für Boards zwischen 7‘6‘‘ und 8‘6‘‘ geeignet).

Reißfest und trotzdem flexibel muss die Leashline sein, damit den Surfer nichts von seinem Surfbrett trennt. Von der dünnen Competition Leash (nur für leichte Boards und kleinere Wellen... mehr erfahren »
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Reißfest und trotzdem flexibel muss die Leashline sein, damit den Surfer nichts von seinem Surfbrett trennt. Von der dünnen Competition Leash (nur für leichte Boards und kleinere Wellen geeignet), über Regular Leashs in allen möglichen Farbkombis (Allround Leashs für alle Boardtypen und Bedingungen) bis hin zu Big Wave Leg Ropes (extra dicke Leashs für Extrembedingungen; diese Leashs sind sehr steif und daher nicht als Allrounder zu empfehlen) - Wir haben die passende Leash für jeden Wellenreiter.

Die Länge Leashline ist von der Boardlänge abhängig zu machen. Als Faustregel gilt hier: Die Leash sollte maximal 6‘‘ länger oder kürzer angegeben sein als das Board lang ist (Beispiel: Eine 8‘ Leash ist für Boards zwischen 7‘6‘‘ und 8‘6‘‘ geeignet).

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Black Captain Fin Shred Cord Comp Leash 5f
The Shred Cord 6' Comp surfboard leash from Captain Fin. Featuring stainless steel anti tangle swivel system, internal key pocket, and triple wrap rail saver.
21,25 € * 25,00 € *
Black Captain Fin Shred Cord Comp Leash 6ft
The Shred Cord 6' Comp surfboard leash from Captain Fin. Featuring stainless steel anti tangle swivel system, internal key pocket, and triple wrap rail saver.
25,46 € * 29,95 € *
blue Channel Islands Dane Reynolds Comp Leash 6ft
NEW - 20% Thinner Cuff NEW - Textured/No Slip Low Profille Cuff Precision Milled Stainless Steel Swivel Quick Dry Neoprene Silicone Gel Padding Dane Art Cuff Updated Long Hozel for added strength Textured/No Slip Cuff Standard L 6’ D...
31,95 € *
Creatures of Leisure Leash Superlite Lite 6ft (black) Creatures of Leisure Leash Superlite Lite 6ft...
The Creatures of Leisure SUPERLITE leash is the lightest, most comfortable leash in the world specifically developed with custom materials for a ‘no leash feel’. The SUPERLITE leash fuses reliable Creatures of Leisure components with the...
42,95 € *
Creatures of Leisure Reliance Knee Leash (black) Creatures of Leisure Reliance Knee Leash (black)
Lightweight Longboard Knee Leash for small to medium waves. A new generation of reliability for all-round surf conditions, this 9ft/10ft leash will have you covered from the local beachie to the slightly more demanding reef setups....
46,95 € *
FCS All Round Essential Ankle Leash 9ft FCS All Round Essential Ankle Leash 9ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Cord thickness: 7mm Wave Size: 2 - 8 ft...
ab 47,95 € *
FCS All Round Essential Calf Leash 9ft FCS All Round Essential Calf Leash 9ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Cord thickness: 7mm Wave Size: 2 - 8 ft...
47,95 € *
FCS All Round Essential Leash 6ft FCS All Round Essential Leash 6ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Cord thickness: 7mm Wave Size: 2 - 8 ft...
39,95 € *
White/Black FCS All Round Essential Leash 7ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Cord thickness: 7mm Wave Size: 2 - 8 ft...
41,95 € *
White/Black FCS All Round Essential Leash 8ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Cord thickness: 7mm Wave Size: 2 - 8 ft...
44,95 € *
Black FCS Comp Essential Leash 5ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Wave Size: 0 - 4 ft Cord Thickness:...
36,95 € *
Black FCS Comp Essential Leash 6ft
Inspired by the revolutionary freedom leash. The FCS essential series leash has been streamlined into a light, durable and super comfortable leash that is built to handle all conditions. Features: Wave Size: 0 - 4 ft Cord Thickness:...
38,95 € *
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