Awesome Maps Dream Spot Poster - Scheveningen Zuid

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  • SW13611

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Holland’s best surfing area, the most well known spot is north of the pier. But the south spot... mehr
Awesome Maps Dream Spot Poster - Scheveningen Zuid
Hersteller: Awesome Maps

In unserer deutschen Surf Community wissen wir schon lange, was wir an Spots wie Domburg, Scheveningen und Co. haben. Diese jetzt in einer Dream Spot Serie zusammen mit Pipeline und Bell’s Beach zu finden, gleicht dann aber doch einer Adelung… entsprechend angetan sind wir von der neuen Awesome Maps Dream Spot Poster Serie, bei der jeder für sich entscheiden kann, welcher Klassiker am besten zu Tagträumen einlädt.

Achtung: Rahmen ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten!


Holland’s best surfing area, the most well known spot is north of the pier. But the south spot as portrayed in this print has its amazing days as well. A great area to learn how to surf and a great area to call your home turf.

Dream Spots are the best places on Earth to surf. They are 30x40cm in size and printed in Germany. Illustrated by artists from around the world, let these prints put a smile on your face every time you look at them. From local heroes like Scheveningen, unreal spots like Unstad on the Lofoten, dream spots like Arpoador in Rio de Janeiro to legendary waves like Pipeline. We illustrated some of the best waves to catch some waves.

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